Thankfully I didn't get punched in the face and it was a lovely day :)
After that, it was on to a club with a few of my girlfriends. Needless to say, I got very very drunk, not suprising with a giant bottle of vodka, and later on champagne as big as me on the table. I keep getting flash backs now of the certain things i was doing...makes me shudder lol. I remember, one of the things which i thought would be fun at the time was to keep a tally of how many people i could dance with, without them knowing I was dancing with them. I think I got to about 15 before i got caught. God Im a jackass :P
My friend and I also somehow managed to convince a man to give us £50 each at the end of the night...and no, no blow jobs were given was pure charm I tell you! Anyhoo, the kebabs on the way home were on us! :D